Plants floating on the water

Eyhorniya most beautiful, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

Family: Pontederlevi (Pontederiaceae).

Eyhornii most beautiful homeland is South America. It grows in freshwater lakes, ponds, swamps, ditches and ditches. Currently, the plant was spread in all tropical regions of the world. Under natural conditions, is growing very rapidly, covering the water surface a dense carpet of water, thus creating an obstacle for navigation even in large rivers. Water hyacinth got its name from the beautiful, large purple and violet flowers with a strong pleasant smell.

In eyhornii most beautiful pedicellate leaves collected in the outlet. Leaf plate round shape, glossy and smooth, with a slightly concave, sometimes wavy edges, 10-20 cm in diameter. The rhizome developed, with long thin roots. Peduncles grows to 50 cm in height and is on top of 8-15 flowers. In nature, water hyacinth can reach a height of 1 meter in less than an aquarium.

Eyhorniya very useful for most beautiful aquarium plant, because it can extract water from nitrogen compounds, metabolism of fish and phenolic compounds. Therefore, water hyacinth, with capacity for absorption, can replace most effective filter. Eyhorniya most beautiful, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

Eyhorniya most beautiful very demanding conditions. Parameters of water: hardness no more than 6 °, pH 6.0 - 6.8, temperature 26-28 ° C (for flowering the water temperature and the air should be less than 30 ° C). In the aquarium have to be wet air chamber height of not less than 20 cm, tightly closed. Water hyacinth is absolutely not like drafts and dry air. Water hyacinth grows very quickly.

Eyhorniya most beautiful, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

For eyhornii most beautiful needed very bright light. As a source of artificial light can be used fluorescent lamps LB-type power 3,2-3,5 W per 1 dm2 raised above the water 25-30 cm. Use incandescent lighting should not, as located at a distance from the plant, can cause burns the leaves. Pushing the lamp a longer distance, we have to increase their capacity. The duration of daylight hours 12-14 hours. In summer, in direct sunlight to keep eyhorniya most beautiful is a snap. Autumn in decreasing natural lighting and plant growth slows under adverse conditions rots and dies. To save water hyacinth winter should be well-developed plant placed in float ring of foam so that the roots of the base was immersed in water, leaves, situated on the float and is not touched water. Otherwise leaf cuttings begin to rot. When the plant at a depth of 5 cm should put a pot of zmulenym soil so that roots could grow in the soil. In such circumstances, at a temperature of 24-26 ° C and normal aquarium lighting can calm eyhorniya naykrasyvishoa winter. Spring water temperatures increase and enhance power lighting.

Propagated plants eyhorniya excellent child at the ends of the side shoots. Young plants after emergence they have 3-4 leaves can be separated from the parent. Get full seeds in the conditions of the aquarium is not possible.

Salvinia swimming (Salvinia natans)

Family Salvini (Salviniaceae).

The plant is widely distributed in the waters of Europe, West Asia and North Africa. In Ukraine, found in the basins of the Dnieper, Desna South. Bug, Seversky Donets and others.

Salvinia natans - unpretentious widespread in the aquarium fern, floating on the water surface. The plant has a short stem, which pairs the bright green leaves up to 1.5 cm long, rounded, covered with fine brown hairs below. Salvinia natans aquarists have successfully used not only for decorating the aquarium, but to create shade other plants that can not tolerate direct glare. Under natural conditions, plants usually die in winter, and spring from spores develop new ones. In an aquarium in favorable conditions Salvini grows all year round. Creates a "living carpet" that protects occupants from the glare of the aquarium, serves as a shelter for spawning and fry.

Hold Salvini floating in warm temperate or tropical aquarium. By the conditions of the plant does not impose specific requirements. Stiffness and acidity of water do not matter. Salvinia natans grows well as a very soft and in hard water. We recommend regular replacement of water in the aquarium. Although the optimum water temperature in the aquarium with Salvini should be above 24 ° C, the plant grows quite well at 20-28 ° C. In cold water Salvini grows very slowly, and it leaves is small.

Lighting Salvinia natans loves bright, sunny best. For artificial lighting is recommended to use fluorescent lamps or special fitolampy, capacity must be at least 3 watts per 1 dm2 area. Light bulbs high power is not recommended, as they dry air.

Propagated Salvinia natans stem shoots and spores. Vegetative propagation method - the only aquarium conditions. A piece of stem with two leaves, separated by thickets, under favorable conditions, will a new plant.

Azolla or water fern (Azolla caroliniana)

Family azollov (Azollaceae).


Azolla Karolinska naturally distributed in North, Central and South America. Acclimatized in Europe, distributed in two habitats in Asia. In Europe very rare.

Azolla Karolinska - fern, creating very beautiful, floating on the water surface green islands. The plant is very delicate, requiring careful treatment. It occurs in aquariums relatively rare. It has a pronounced seasonal growth from the period of rest in the winter.

Under favorable conditions Karolinska azolla rapidly growing, delaying the entire surface of the tank zatinyuyuchy other plants because of excess must periodically removed from the aquarium.

The temperature of the aquarium water can vary quite widely. The plant feels as good in moderately warm water at about 20 ° C, and tropical aquarium at 28 ° C. If the temperature drops to 16 ° C and below, it leads to growth arrest. After a while the plant leaves begin to rot and it is immersed in water. Disputes remained in bottom mud in the spring give life to new plants.

Water for azolly Caroline should be soft, with neutral or slightly acid reaction. Stiffness - not above 10 °, pH - less than 7.0.

The plant requires very bright light. For artificial lighting can be used fluorescent lamps LB type and incandescent lamps. Power fluorescent lamps should be at least 2-2.5 W per 1 dm2 surface water. The duration of daylight should be at least 12 hours.

Azolly withering away for the winter period associated usually with decreasing light, so very bright light and high temperature water enough to save the plant possible.

Winter azollu store and otherwise. The plant should be removed from the tank and place in a bowl with damp moss. You can use plain swamp sphagnum moss. Winter temperature should be no higher than 12 ° C. At the end of March - April, the plant should be moved to an aquarium.