Carp family (Cyprinidae).
Gold, or Chinese, crucian carp (Carassius auratus) is found in the wild in Korea, China and Yaponii.Etot carp in nature has a golden hue, particularly in small bodies of water, well warmed by the sun.
Of all aquarium fish goldfish have the longest history. Goldfish as a domesticated form of the golden carp was bred in China more than 1,500 years ago, where riborozvidniky using carp variation in color and shape of the body, engaged in the culture of ornamental carp. Goldfish bred in ponds and garden ponds in the estates of the nobility and the wealthy. In Russia the first gold fish imported into the middle of the XVIII century. Currently, many types of common goldfish. The main color of the body and fins red-golden, back darker abdomen. Other varieties of color: pale pink, red, white, black, black and blue, yellow, dark bronze, fiery red. Body as a goldfish elongated, slightly compressed laterally. In special reservoirs goldfish can grow to 35 cm, but in ordinary aquariums its size is much smaller. To distinguish males from females can only during the spawning season. Then the female rounded belly and the males on pectoral fins and gills will appear white "rash." To keep goldfish aquarium is better to have a minimum capacity of 50 liters. This aquarium can hold 6 - 8 fish, if there is aeration, and the water depth is less than 30 cm. In the aquarium with a capacity of 10 liters can hold no more than two adult fish. Goldfish love to dig in the ground. As the soil is better to use coarse sand or gravel, which are not easily scattered fish. Himself tank should be spacious and species with krupnolistaya plants. However, tender plants perishable goldfish or the surface of their leaves polluted water with suspended particles remains. Therefore, in an aquarium with goldfish recommended to plant with stiff leaves and a strong root system, such as valisneriya, water lilies, sagittarii or endurance, such as elodea. In general aquarium goldfish can be kept together with calm fish. Try to provide natural light in the aquarium and filtration. For all varieties of goldfish need good aeration. Korotkotili goldfish (vualehvosty, telescopes) require more water than the long-bodied (simple goldfish, comet shubunkiny) for the same body length. The characteristics of the water goldfish undemanding, for example, the temperature can range from 18 to 30 ° C .Optimalnoy should be considered in the spring and summer of 18 - 23 ° C, in winter - 15 - 18 ° S.Zhestkost water 8 - 25 °, acidity 6 -8. If you feel unwell fish in the water, you can add salt - 5-7 g / l. Fish good tolerate salinity of 12-15%. It is desirable to regularly replace part of the water volume. Goldfish are omnivores and feed in relation unpretentious. They eat a lot and willingly. Their diet should include as a living and vegetarian food. Goldfish need less protein than tropical aquarium fish but more carbohydrates. Therefore, many companies produce for goldfish and exotic species of special diet in the form of flakes and granules. When they are used can achieve good results, because in addition to essential nutrients with a great deal of carbohydrates feed the balanced and contain natural supplements that uluchshayutzheltye, orange and red colors. Keep in mind that when feeding dry food any, they should be given in small portions several times a day, as in contact with moisture, the fish in the esophagus, it swelled significantly increases in size and can cause constipation and disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive organs fish , the consequence of which could be the death of the fish. You can first hold dry food for some time (10 seconds - flakes 20-30 seconds - granules) in water and then giving them the fish. Although goldfish and voracious, to give them a lot of food is not necessary. The amount of food per day should not exceed 3% of the weight of the fish. Feed adult fish twice a day - morning and evening. Forage yield as much as they can eat ten to twenty minutes, and the remnants of uneaten food should be removed. Remember that the best fish underfeeding than overfeeding ih.Vzroslye fish eat right, no harm can tolerate weekly golodovku.dlinnoe goldfish durable under good conditions the fish can live up to 30 - 35 years, korotkotili - up to 15 years. All varieties of goldfish can spawn in the aquarium of 20 - 30 liters. The soil is sandy, small-leaved plants. Spawning put one female and two or three males who have reached 2 years. Before that, they are kept 2-3 weeks apart. Recommended temperature: 24 - 26 ° C for spawning should be put to the female and two or three males. To stimulate spawning water should be heated slowly so that the temperature began to 5-10 ° C. above nachalnoy.Samtsy who have worn with great speed, start to chase females and eggs scattered throughout the aquarium, mostly on plants. The female lays up to 10,000 eggs. After spawning is deposited. Starter feed for fry "living dust." Currently on sale are special feed for fry goldfish, for example, Sera Mikron.
Compatibility goldfish with other fish species
Compatibility goldfish with other fish species
The question of compatibility of goldfish (Carassius) on the one hand is quite simple, the other complex, and this is due to a number of specific nuances that are peculiar to this family aquarium fish.
I think this topic should start with the fact that all species of goldfish were derived from thousands of years of breeding. Therefore Vualehvosty, Oranda, Telescope, Shubunkiny and others - it is artificially bred species, which, in fact, have been obtained from a common ancestor - the Chinese silver carp.
Therefore, if we talk about interspecies compatibility goldfish, ie the possibility of sharing content in the aquarium or pond, for example, telescopes and koi, such coexistence is the place to be - all kinds of goldfish, completely compatible with each other. But there is one BUT! Since all zolotuhe from one tribe, that are in the same body of water, they will hybridize with each other, causing receive a "bastard" or if you want the mutants - mongrel hybrids. In view of these experiments, such cohabitation leads to the degeneration and transformation of the fish back to the carp.
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Therefore, if you plan on getting offspring and breed goldfish, the multiservice their content in the total body of water - DO NOT!
Before the discussion, the specific compatibility goldfish with other fish. It should be noted that the goldfish - a large, clumsy, slow-moving fish. And this specificity should always upityvat. For example, if you keep Vualehvostov in a small aquarium with others whether it is the most peaceful fish, it is still over time the fish will die, because the lack of space - the rules of detention, do their job and the fish simply "claw".
In addition, when discussing the compatibility of any species of fish should be borne in mind that individual fish has its own character. In this connection, even observing all the rules of compatibility of aquarium fish, the output can get a negative result. To neutralize this factor as much as possible, it is always recommended to plant different fish fry at the same time, rather than gradually add the new to the old fishes.
Now let's consider the compatibility of goldfish with specific types of other fish.
Cichlids and Goldfish: Astronotus, Angelfish, Discus, Akara, Apistogramma, Parrots, tsihlazomy: brilliantovarya, chernopolosataya, Severum and other cichlids.
Such a union, unfortunately not possible. All cichlid fish family - aggressive and life goldfish will not give. Astronotus generally perceived gold as good live snack.
Therefore, to keep them together is absolutely contraindicated, even with small tsilidami.
Like, I tried to combine veiltail angelfish with goldfish, but alas, in the future they had to seat. Despite the fact that voile angelfish - slow and somewhat similar to gold, it is still a couple of days to start the race all over the aquarium.
So, I recommend not to experiment - this is wasted time and money!
Goldfish and Tetra: neon, minors, black tetra, Pulcheria, lanterns, glass tetras, Congo and other characins fish.
Here the situation is radically opposite. Everything is so peaceful tetra fish, their alliance with the goldfish will be a great variety of fish in your aquarium. One, but !!! When goldfish grow up, they may burst small tetras, so better to take to the king's evil "large" tetras fish, for example, or black tetra Congo.
Goldfish and Labyrinth: All gourami, dwarf gourami, makrapody others.
I do not know what to tell you. On the one hand they are compatible, and the other side is not. This is because the labyrinth, particularly gourami very unpredictable fish and gourami each individual has its own character.
So to be clear, I will give an example from my own experience. Long ago, when I started my first aquarium 35 liters and stuffed a bunch of fish there, including two marble Guram, the latter were like mice, did not touch anybody and peacefully coexisted in the "small community". But one day when I hoisted another blue gourami in a large aquarium, he arranged a brawl that evil was even smaller cichlids. I had to take her back to the pet store.
At the same time dwarf gourami - it zashugannyh fish, I do not have experience, but I think it will be bad with goldfish.
In view of the coexistence with the Golden labyrinth - a confusion, so the neighborhood is not recommended.
Goldfish Aquarium catfish and other bottom fish: Corydoras (speckled catfish), Ancistrus (sucker catfish) botsii, akantoftalmusy green catfish brohis, tarakatumy and others.
Overall, there are 100% compatible. Let me draw your attention, only that the fact that not all catfish so very peaceful. For example, Botsiya Modest or Baia - is somyary that may bite. Or, for example Ancistrus at night could easily stick to sleeping Goldfish, from which the latter will appear as nibble chicken.
Otherwise, everything OK! Moreover, all aquarium catfish - a good assistant in dealing with poop on goldfish. Leave the bottom of the aquarium soms and frequency of siphoning the bottom of the aquarium is reduced.
Goldfish and carp: barbs, zebrafish, and others.
You should always remember that goldfish are slow and any neighborhood with agile fish, and especially those who will be able to pluck them is not desirable. I do not see anything criminal in the joint maintenance of zebrafish and goldfish, but with the barbs do not recommend. Sumatrantsy easily bitten Golden.
Goldfish and poeciliidae, viviparous fish: guppies, swordtails, mollies and others.
Somewhere I had read that may attack guppies and goldfish bitten! But something I do not believe these stories. I can not imagine how it could gupeshka covet a large goldfish, except that the crowd attacked))).
Frankly, the experience of the content of livebearers and goldfish do not have. And anyway, as something not solid gold of elders to keep peace and unpretentious aquarium livebearers together.
And I want to offer you a topic such as the compatibility of goldfish and aquatic plants.
Who would start goldfish knows that the issue is acute, since the family just loves the Golden Well vegetarian food. To avoid the kind of disgusting, pluck aquatic plants, I give her a Golden twice a week overgrown duckweed from another aquarium. You can also recommend to keep a goldfish aquarium plants that are too tough for goldfish: Anubias, mikrosoriumy, crypts, and mosses.
Summing up, it should be noted that all the goldfish - a small fish, intended for aquarium species, which require separate attention. Moreover the value of these fish is quite high, they are long-lived in comparison with the other inhabitants of the aquarium and so it would be a shame to lose such a fish out of the fact that some nickels Ancistrus at night to sleep it did not give.
how, what and how much to feed the goldfish?
Feeding goldfish
Goldfish - very playful, cheerful and hungry creatures. They quickly get used to the person of its breadwinner and his approach to the aquarium begins with hungry eyes jump out of the water like a piranha. This behavior of your aquatic pets, and can be repeated 10 times a day, but this does not mean that all this time goldfish hungry. It's just a reflex. Feed your pets must be 1 time per day one pinch of dry food. This is sufficient for normal growth and development. If you feed more often, the fish will behave very sluggish, also reduced their life expectancy.
Despite the fact that the process of feeding the goldfish can bring you a lot of fun - do not abuse. The fish is not at all a feeling of fullness. Do not forget it. So do not overdo it. And your pets will long to please your eyes and soothe raging thoughts.
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Goldfish need a balanced diet. Their diet should include both live feeds - bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, rotifers and other food: dry, especially vegetable.
Speaking about the proportions in my opinion for goldfish, this proportion is as 40% of live, dry and 60% plant food.
Live feed, love all the fish and gold is no exception. When the content of scrofula in the aquarium is better to use frozen live foods, as they are safer than full-scale.
Dry pet food - a universal means for feeding any fish. Manufacturers aquarium feeds cared about the usefulness of the diet. Therefore, if you'll only feed the goldfish such food, then it will be quite enough for their wellness. But if you want to feeding your goldfish were elite))). It is necessary to introduce vegetation and only natural.
How this is accomplished ?! It's very simple. You need to plant Ryaskuili Ricci, well, I really love this golden aquarium vegetation.
As is known duckweed and Riccia growing very fast and does not require special conditions of detention. For a week you will grow it on a scale sufficient to feed the goldfish. Duckweed should be diluted in a separate tank and transfer it to a scrofulous 2 - 3rd times a week. That's all you need.
It should be distinguished feeding the goldfish in the aquarium and pond.
For feeding the goldfish in the pond is recommended to use meat mixed with bread chips, as well as Hard Boiled porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet and others. The pond must be vegetation !!!
If anyone interested in this issue, I recommend you to talk to our customers, "Muri", it noble lady of the goldfish in the pond!
His goldfish, I feed on the following formula:
Resurrection - a live feed, Monday-Wednesday and dry substitutes Thursday - duckweed, pyatnitsa- Saturday - dry and duckweed.
In this feed my zolotuhe - fat and fluffy !!! :)
Tetra GOLDFISH MENU - dry food for all goldfish.
It contains four types of feeds in the first - chips with superior nutritional value; - Supporting pellets coloration; - Cereal biologically balanced nutrition; - Daphnia as a delicacy;
Elitnokachestvennaya products intended solely for goldfish, well proven over many years, Tetra supports this 100% image.
Packaging: 250 ml. Tetra, Germany
Price: 9.00 US dollyarov
Special food for goldfish TetraAniMin the formula BioActive.
It includes all the necessary nutrients and trace elements.
It is well absorbed by fish
Tetra Goldfish Gold Japan
Food super-class, granulated breeding goldfish.
- Pellets quickly softened in water;
- Full and varied diet of fish;
Dry food, Bank 250 ml.
SERA Goldby gram - Sulphur Grand Goldbach
It is very nutritious and easily digestible kibble for all goldfish. The structure includes - Omega fatty acids, beta-gluconate desired amino astaxanthin, minerals, vitamins, vegetable matter and other.
Manufacturer: Germany Bank 250 ml
Neither Che so feed goldfish "Pets"
Coined specifically for goldfish, taking into account the gastronomic needs of this type of fish. Feed composition: protein 36%, fat 5%, 6% ash. It improves digestion, stimulates growth, strengthens the immune system, provides the bright color of the fish.
Family labyrinth (Belontidae).
Cockerel, or betta fish ordinary lives in stagnant, slow-flowing and very overgrown reservoirs with bottom wetlands in Southeast Asia, Vietnam and Thailand. In Moscow, the first time was introduced in 1896. Male fighting fish are constantly fighting each other like true cocks, for which he became known as cockerels. At home, they are bred and kept for fights and preparing fish for them special coaches. Battles take place in the presence of numerous spectators (suit tote). Among fighting fish there even their champions. Most often the fights ends with the death of one of them.
Cockerel, or betta fish is common elongated, slender, almost circular in cross-section of the body. Roth upper lip swollen. We found two species of fish, which differ among themselves only by the size of male plumage (short or long fins). The main color of the wild fish fighter's form varies depending on the place of residence. The most common fish is dark brown with rows of shiny green specks. Derived by breeding males form a veil with long fins and a different color: blue, green, red, pink, white, yellow, black (less common), or variations of these colors. Fin fighting fish play with all the colors of the rainbow and the more angry fish, the fins glow brighter. Elite considered a fighter fish fish with big fins and veiltail one color (but they are rarely found in the red rays of the fins cast in blue, or blue, they are reddish or green). Sex differences: the male - has a bright color, especially during spawning or in a fight with other males, in the excited state and ershu males inflate their gill covers in the form of a collar, fins in males large red-brown color with rays of brilliant green or blue color ; female - painted a little paler, all fins considerably shorter, has a round tail, lay at the bottom of a white navel, like eggs, which comes out on the body are often visible dark transverse bands. The length of the aquarium up to 6 cm. Life expectancy of no more than 3 years.
Cockerel, or betta fish common in an excited state, usually in the presence of a number of other male or pre-spawning period. The rest of the bright and colorful fighter turns to gray and ordinary-looking fish. In addition, without rooster fights rapidly fattening and aging. To avoid this, the aquarium, or partition off the glass and hold in each half of the male, is constantly to sort things out in a glass or a mirror placed in the aquarium (with one male in the aquarium). A large aquarium with thickets can be held jointly grown males, but in this case does not prevent the fins torn in the struggle for territory. It is desirable that the aquarium was still one male and several females. Bettas can be kept with peaceful fish species of medium size and small movable, but in any case with the fishes veiltail forms. Otherwise, their tails and fins are plucked. Hold the cock can be in a small aquarium elongated. The volume of water for one cock - 3-5 liters. Fish breathe atmospheric air via the gill of the maze, so the aquarium must be covered from the top cover to above the surface of the water was warm and the air so that the fish are not caught cold. Lighting top. The aquarium needed thickets of plants, various shelters (the females were able to hide from the persecution of males), dark soil. Water parameters for the right content betta fish: the rigidity of 4-15 °, pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 24-26 ° C
Cockerel, or betta fish common uses as live food (prefers bloodworm) and substitutes. You should not overfeed the males, since they are prone to obesity (especially in small aquariums where there is insufficient space for swimming). You can also periodically organize combative fishes fasting days (not to feed one day per week). Spawning cock can take place both in the general aquarium, and in spawning length of 25 cm and 10-15 cm water level. Aquarium without taking the ground, with subdued lighting, dark lining and several bushes of small-leaved plants, including floating. The parameters of water for spawning: the rigidity 4-15 °, pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 26 - 29 ° C. The aeration is needed. For successful breeding fighter's fish to spawn you need to take a couple, aged 6-8 months. At this time, males do not yet have the luxury of the fins, but they are very active, and the females just comes puberty. In older females are not spawned at a young age, obstruction of the genital opening is formed and they nezdiatni to spawning. Before landing on spawning producers during the week kept separate. First, put a male and female in a few hours with a thick belly. Almost immediately begin courtship, nest-building (the male builds a nest of foam under the leaves of floating plants), and after 2-3 days start spawning. The female lays 100 to 600 eggs, after which it is deposited directly. The male remains to take care of caviar. It must be well fed bloodworms or well washed Tubifex. The incubation period is 1-2 days, the fry begin to swim in 3-5 days. At this time of spawning male is deposited too. The water level was lowered to 5 cm. Starter feed: plankton, ciliates, rotifers. By the third month of the male cockerel becomes a veil fins and aquarium begin the first leg. Therefore it is necessary to sort and separate the male fighters. Puberty Cockerel, or betta fish ordinary reaches the age of 3-5 months. Successfully crossed males of different colors. Their offspring may have mixed colors.
Fish Cockerel at home can live in an aquarium together with other species. It should, however, avoid the neighbors vualevoj fins. Otherwise, the "fighters" would stop them by all means. It is better to dwell in Petushki fish grow larger, with short fins, such as barbs.
For tropical males it is desirable to maintain the water temperature between 24 to 28 degrees. Allowed intermittent reduce it to 18 degrees. On the surface, the water should be left open areas without floating vegetation. Fish need air. Special water aeration is not required, but the pass water through the filter is desirable. It is recommended to put the aquarium in such a way that during the day it fell a few hours the sun. It is undesirable to put it in the draft.
From time to time should be carefully cleaned reservoir. To do so, either partially or completely change the water. Fish caught beforehand special nets and placed in a jar. Sanitation is carried out without the use of powders.
Labyrinth organ - a distinctive feature of the fish males. It's not just addition to the gills - these babies breathe atmospheric air. Make sure the surface of the water does not grow. Sometimes it appears a bacterial film, it can be easily removed if the water attach to a piece of paper, and then it just gently removed.
Males can jump much. So they do not hurt yourself, set a special lid with holes or a net.
For fish need soft water. Do not use the distillate tank, since it lacks not only harmful, but also useful substances. In specialty stores sell special products for softening and purification of water. It should monitor the temperature. To somewhat reduce aggression and stress, add a bit of preventive and curative salt (half a teaspoon per four liters). Large aquariums require replacement of water every two weeks.
In the interim, it is necessary to change it partially. Small tanks need to be cleaned and the water is changed twice a week. Be sure to remove the remains from the bottom of the food - its breakdown products will poison the water.
What to feed the fish rooster? These water inhabitants picky. They can be supplied as a dry food, and live. More males like bloodworms. You can give Tubifex, cyclops, daphnia. Suit earthworms. To fish do not overeat, remove after 15 minutes after the start of feeding the remains uneaten. The food should be given once or twice a day.
If you see that pupils overeat, prepare for them one fasting day per week.
Fish Cockerel: Compatibility
As mentioned earlier, the male bettas should not be kept together. It is also desirable to keep together individuals of different sexes. The male will continue to drive and bully a female.
You have the house for the first time there was a fish Cockerel? "Who used this kind?" - This question is often asked by beginners. Despite the "combat" honor, cocks quite peacefully behave towards their neighbors. Sometimes, though, a man may attack the male guppies, taking it to a relative.
Undesirable podselyat cockerel to the owners of beautiful long fins and tails. This is sure to provoke a fighting fish, and it will start to attack. Hardly Cockerel prove opponent to the death, but bitten or break the tails and fins he can.
Most aquarium owners podselyayut their pupils snails. Fighting fish can eat small items (for this they usually podsazhivayut). In larger species males are biting mustache. It should be remembered about those who are planning to decorate your aquarium big snails.
Suitable for the neighbors fighting fish
What kind of fish coexist males? It may be neon Donaciinae, platypus, platies, antsitrus, brocade soma tarakatumy, botsii, gourami grumbled akantoftalmusy, pulhripinnisy, point catfish, gastromizony and some other species. It is advisable to consult with the acquisition of the fish shop assistant.
Unwanted neighbors for males
ACAR, pіranї, tilapia, Tsihlozoma chernopolosaya, ktenopomi, tetraodoni, papugi, kupanusi, Astronotus - s tsimi views Reebok pіvnikіv Celite not it is possible. Bіytsі mozhut napadati i obrivati fins so susіdam yak neon danіo, guppі Cardinal, barbs, and takozh guramі plyamistі, perlinnі i marmurovі.
Fish breeding males
Spawning should take place in a small separate tank (seven liters). The height of the water column at the same time should be about 10-15 cm. Here, arranged shelter with aquatic plants and artificial grottos. Fish Cockerel (female) are able to hide from the male is very aggressive in this period.
Producers should be fed before spawning all sorts of live feeds. Bright light is needed. The spawning tank should not do aeration - it will prevent the construction of the nest.
Sexual maturity at fighting fish comes in three or four months. To encourage spawning can be a great substitute for water. It is in the tank is heated by 1-3 degrees. Pre-fish "familiar" with each other. To do this they are placed on adjacent containers so that they see their neighbors.
To add male small floating plants, so it can strengthen the nest. At the beginning of the spawning starting to build "housing," Cockerel man produces small air bubbles, then glues them with his saliva. About a day after the launch of the manufacturer, to him podsazhivayut future moms. After the start of spawning, the male collects the eggs cock mouth and carries them to the nest.
After ikrometa he becomes aggressive, attacking a female. Therefore it should be removed to another aquarium. Grow the male offspring - he guards the nest, eggs dropped picks, putting them back. Once the larvae hatched, cock does not allow them to spread out in different directions, gathering them.
A female at one time capable of sweeping 100 -300 eggs. Under normal conditions, spawning begins in a day or two after a couple of males put together in an aquarium. It happens, however, that this process is delayed for a week. After a day or three in the aquarium larvae appear. Once all the fry will, and it will happen in 4-6 days, the male is deposited, or he is able to diffuse peredavit apart fry. In the spawning aquarium cockerel usually fed bloodworms. Food must be pre-rinse well.
Children, males labyrinth organ will only appear in a few months. To create a good environment for growing young animals need to install aeration. You can reduce the water level.
Feed the fry infusoria - "living dust." In exceptional cases, you can give a cool egg yolk. However, the abuse is not worth such a lure. When the young are old enough, you can turn it on feeding shrimp larvae. Further, the size of food is selected based on the size fingerlings. You can enter into the diet of sliced tubifex or specially designed industrial feed.
Living fighting fish about three years. The "summer" age is undesirable to use them as producers.
Bright and eccentric males can decorate any home or office. Caring for them is simple. Instead, they will give a lot of pleasant moments to its owner.
Family poeciliidae (Poeciliidae).
Location guppies in nature northern South America and the islands of Barbados, and Trinidad. But at the moment as a result of artificial acclimatization, these fish have spread across continents.
It is believed that guppies "simple" for keeping aquarium fish. Sellers often advise their aquarium beginners, and hobbyists themselves initially choose this fish as an unassuming and one that does not require special conditions and special care. But in reality it is not so simple with these "simple" and unpretentious fish. Over the years, the content of guppies in aquariums and careful selection has been received many types of guppies, cared for and their content is not easy. At the moment it is very difficult to classify guppies as a result of numerous crosses are displayed each year more and more rocks. The basis for the classification of guppies are body color (mostly males), size, shape and color plavnikov.Dlina male guppies to 3 cm, females up to 6 cm. The body of the male elongated, slender, somewhat flattened on the sides. The body of the female is also elongated, more flattened laterally back. Male guppies are much brighter and have not only a beautiful picture, but also a luxurious tail and fins, while the fins in females are short and slightly colored. In males, the anal fin has become a body fertilization - gonopodium.
Group guppies can be kept generally closed top aquarium (but not with a quick swim species that can break off their fins) with a length of 60 cm in places with thickets of plants, in particular small-leaved, reaching the water's surface (including desirable limnofila Indian and Nitella (lustrer Rus.)), floating plants with roots that hang down, and Riccio, where the fry will find their shelter. By the volume of the aquarium guppies undemanding. Compatible with any peaceful fish species, but their veil and therefore inactive form can not be held even with a non-aggressive fish like barbs. Therefore thoroughbred species guppies best to keep in an aquarium species. In the aquarium should not be hard to plant leaves and objects with sharp edges (stones, driftwood), on which the fish can damage the fins. Although the temperature range of content guppies wide enough, it is necessary to make sure that the temperature has been stable in the range of 20 - 26 ° C; gh to 25 °; ph between 6.5 - 8.5, but preferably about 7.0. Sudden changes in temperature and water characteristics (pH, gh) bad for the state of the fins of males. Therefore, you need to replace the water more often, but small amounts (no more than one-third). Useful addition of salt (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) and 5% alcoholic solution of iodine. Guppies are omnivores, but prefer live food. They can not overfeed, as the fish are prone to obesity and then lose their ability to reproduce. The frequency is determined by the age of feeding fish. Brits are fed three times a day in small portions. After identifying and sharing articles are moving to two-single feed. In aged over four months multiplicity of feeding is reduced to once a day. At this time the male dangerous overfeed. Guppies are live-bearing fish. Eggs fertilized in the female body, leaving her fully formed fry immediately begin to take food. Puberty guppies reach 3 - 6 months. Selected producers are transferred to one aquarium 10 - 15 days. Pregnancy 5 - 6 weeks. One fertilization enough to produce multiple deposits. The number of fry in the deposit depends on the quality and age of the female, ranging from 10 to 150 pieces. A sign of approaching childbirth is the shape of the abdomen, which becomes rectangular and the appearance of dark spots near the anus. Normally, shortly before the birth of the fry, females deposited into a separate aquarium. Because females tend to eat their offspring, the aquarium is placed floating plants. The female emits fry, which immediately start to swim and eat. If the female can not give birth, shedding fry can be stimulated by the addition of a small amount of fresh water and its temperature rise by 2 - 4 ° C, or replanting male. Once the female starts to throw the fry, the male is deposited.
Family poeciliidae (Poeciliidae).
Swordsman in nature lives in Central America, southern Mexico and Guatemala. It occurs in mountain rivers with rapid flow, and in the lower reaches and lakes, swamps, lagoons.
As a result, the selection of the Sword were bred fish of different colors and with fins of different shapes. Males differ from females by the presence of gonopodium and sword on the bottom edge of the caudal fin. Under natural conditions the males reach a length of 10 cm (without the "sword"), females 12 cm. In aquariums platypus grow to such proportions only under very good conditions. The natural color of the main male light brown-olive, with a greenish tinge on the back. Along the aisle carmine red two-millimeter band, and above and below it are two narrow red stripes. The body casts a silvery sheen. Long the "sword" is painted in yellow, green, orange, red in color and has a clear black border. Females - large, pale colored, do not have "the sword." The adult female is clearly visible "spot maturity", located in front of the anal fin. Sword Group held in the spacious, elongated, densely planted with plants generally akvariume.Rasteniya - small-leaved, which reach the surface of the water, among them India and desirable limnofila Nitella, floating plants with roots hanging down, and Riccio, where the fry will find their shelter . Fish kept in the middle and upper layers of the water. Sword can be held with the peace-loving fish. But it is not desirable to have a slow fish, which can break off the fins platypus. Female Sword should be more males. Between males there is a hierarchy, when the content of two males will always pursue the strong weak. Therefore, hold three or more males to disperse the attention of the dominant. Females and males intended for breeding, are grown separately. Swordsman omnivorous and unpretentious in content. Water for keeping and breeding: gh to 25 °, preferably up to 15 °; ph 7,0 - 7,5; t ° 20 - 25 ° C Fish loves fresh water, so it requires regular replacement. At least once during the third portion should be replaced with fresh water. Aquarium with swordsmen to keep in constant state of cleanliness and be sure to aerate the water. platypus - viviparous ryby.K period of puberty male anal fin begins to lengthen and to worsen, becoming paruvalny body - gonopodium. "Packages" with the sperm, once in the body of the female, are stored there for a few months. Thus, a sufficient fertilization for offspring for a sufficiently long time. This fact is known to all, so even experienced aquarists sometimes wonder why the female without a male born fry? Another interesting feature of the Sword: some adult females, including those that have repeatedly brought the fry may turn into males. The fact that a change in living conditions often leads to a change in sex of these fish. The fish, which has undergone such a change, is fairly easy to distinguish. She remained typical female body shape and fins developed much worse than samtsa.Preobrazovanie male to the female has not yet occurred. The females become males in most cases do not produce offspring. Mating male selected slender 8 months of age, length (without the "sword") 7 - 8 cm. It must be an active, strongly colored and possibly as much as possible with the "sword". Females are selected from the progeny of the most productive manufacturers. The fertilized female bears their offspring 4 - 6 weeks. Before spawning, it must be deposited into a separate container, as in the general aquarium platypus hunt for fry and can destroy them all. Big females bring up to 200 fry. Dimensions newborn fry 8-10 millimeters. With good and abundant feeding the fry grow very fast. At the age of 3-4 months in males there is a "sword". Fish grow unevenly, and every two months they have to be sorted by size, transplanting in a spacious aquarium.