
Wavy Corydoras (Corydoras undulates)

Family callichthyidae (Callichthyidae).

Homeland wavy Corydoras South America, the region of La Plata. The main feature of this fish (as well as all Corydoras) is that it can breathe air. Catfish floats to the surface and swallows air bubble oxygen therefrom digested in the colon.

Along the entire body undulated Corydoras passes two rows of bone plates, which provide him protection from predators, but makes it a bit unwieldy. It happens that the catfish swims in the narrow gap can not swim and die, so it is important to take into account this nuance in the regeneration tank. Body Corydoras corrugated tight and short, arched back, abdomen directly. Mouth inferior, is well suited for collecting food from the bottom and digging worms. The upper lip two pairs of antennae, allowing navigate the troubled waters. The eyes are large, movable. The dorsal fin is high. The body is golden with a lot of black spots and dashes. At the point of the dorsal fin is sometimes merge into two or three horizontal bars. The rest of the fins yellowish transparent. Iris of the eye has two golden touches. Sex differences: males - females are smaller and slimmer. The length is 5.5 cm. The life span of 8-10 years. Corydoras wavy - a peace-loving and gregarious fish. The activity begins to show at dusk. Corydoras wavy get along with different kinds of fish, even the smallest. Keep desirable flock and at least 6 fish. They live in the lower layers of water. Keep Corydoras corrugated can any aquarist. For this you need a tank with a volume of 10 liters (per individual) with thickets of live floating or deciduous plants (seated along the side and rear walls) and various shelters (natural driftwood, caves of the rocks, etc.). He prefers soft lighting and a thick layer of soil of pebbles or coarse sand, which willingly digs in search of food. Parameters water content Corydoras corrugated: stiffness up to 20 °, pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 20 - 24 ° C the necessary filtering, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 30% of water. Corydoras wavy uses dry food, live (tubifex, bloodworm, koretra) and plant food. The food collected from the bottom, but can rise to the surface of the water with a loud champing her swallow. Grown Corydoras wavy only using hormone injections. For spawning needs an aquarium with subdued lighting from 30-50 liters and a water level of 20 cm. The soil is optional in spawning to plant (eg, Anubias) and pressed her stone. Substrate - illuminated objects sidewalls. Water parameters: the stiffness of 4-6 °, pH 6.0, temperature 25 - 26 ° C Reinforced aeration. Within a few days, are active water change (50% of water), while lowering its temperature by 2-3 ° C. To one female plant 3-5 male. Fish spawning put in the evening. Manufacturers often need to feed live food hearty. Spawning lasts several hours. First, males actively chase the female, then it scores in the mouth of one of the male sperm and by well-lit place on the glass or on plants, lubricates it with milk and eggs glues. Then the process is repeated. This method ensures a high percentage of fertilized eggs. Total spawning female can lay up to 250 eggs. After spawn producers is deposited. The incubation period at 23-26 ° C for 5-6 days (that eggs are not covered by the fungus should be used antifungal agents). Starter feed: live dust, small zooplankton, rotifers. Fry grow slowly.

Golden catfish or catfish choppy    (Corydoras aeneus)

Family callichthyidae (Callichthyidae)

Golden catfish - fish bottom family of armored catfish. Homeland golden catfish shallow waters of South America and nearby islands. In nature, these catfish live in slow-flowing, at least in stagnant waters. An interesting feature is their ability to crawl in small groups on mud flats, where they pick up everything edible. In connection with such an original way of life they develop a kind of adaptation. Chief among these is the ability to breathe air. It is interested in your mouth, into the intestine and is absorbed in the hindgut. The body movement (a kind of "stilts") are strong needle pectoral fins.

Golden catfish is characterized by small size and body covered with armor. The carapace is formed by bony plates arranged in two rows on each side of the body. The carapace of the bony plates in representatives of the family kalihtiidy serves as protection from enemies. The general color is yellowish-brown. The back is darker abdomen. On either side passes noticeable bright green longitudinal stripe. Under it passes another, more narrow band of light green color. The fins are yellow and transparent. There is an albino form. The mouth is located at the bottom of the head, with two pairs of sensitive barbels that complement the organs of touch and taste and allow to move and catfish find food even in complete darkness. The aquarium catfish gold reaches up to 7 cm. Males are slightly smaller than females and have a golden catfish sharp dorsal fin. Golden catfish - fish bottom peaceful, suitable for general maintenance in the aquarium. Very unpretentious, peaceful. He lives in water of any chemical composition. The temperature for the contents of 23 to 28 ° C. catfish golden unpretentious amount of oxygen in the water. Recommended characteristics of the water temperature 18 - 24 ° C, hardness 1 - 25 °, acidity of 6.5 - 8. catfish prefer twilight lighting. If the aquarium is very lit, choose a place sheltered from direct light leaves of plants, shaded shelter and various cracks. When the design of the aquarium, where they will live catfish, should take into account their love of insufficient light. As a primer for aquarium use run-of river sand, driftwood, rounded stones. Necessary overgrown plants, particularly broadleaf which create a shady place. Golden catfish consume any live and dry food, preferably vegetable dressing. Eats food residues deposited on the bottom of the aquarium. With the active search for food is constantly digging in the soil, sediment skalamuchuyuchy. Spawning in catfish golden pair or group. As used spawning aquarium from 25 to 120 liters. Females need to feed live food hearty best worms. When the female roundness, you need to put it together with a male in spawning. Add 1/4 of fresh-water. The spawning occurs at the temperature and decrease in atmospheric pressure. Preferably, these factors are the same. The chemical composition of the water at a dilution of no importance. The temperature in the spawning should be in the temperature range for the content, but it is better to improve on the 2-3 ° C. The eggs on the leaves of plants methane or side wall of the aquarium. The female lays a time from 100 to 300 eggs. The eggs can be left in the tank, vidsadivshy of spawning manufacturers and setting next to the dispenser laying eggs. You can gently scrape the eggs from a glass with a razor blade and put it in a clean aquarium with perforation grid set at 3 cm below the water level. Water is poured into the tank of spawning. Caviar scatter evenly over the grid, set the sprayer. Eggs, like other species of catfish, hard. After 2-3 days the larvae, even after 5-6 days, they turn to fry. When growing a large number of juveniles must take into account that the majority of KGS and the fry do not tolerate sharp decline in pH caused by the tight fit fry and lots of organic sediment in water. Feed the fry must be frequently and quite satisfying, making sure that the water in the aquarium did not start to thicken. Starter feed: "living dust", Artemia nauplii. Puberty golden catfish reach 8 - 12 months.

Corydoras mottled, speckled catfish                  (Corydoras paleatus)

Family callichthyidae (Callichthyidae).

Homeland Corydoras point - South America. It lives in ponds with thick vegetation Southeast Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. A very popular and interesting representative of dwarf catfish. Their main feature is that they can breathe air. Catfish resurfacing and swallow a small air bubble, the oxygen of it is absorbed in the colon. Because of this they are not afraid of drying ponds. Spotted Corydoras known over a hundred years. Derived albino form, and voila.

Along the entire body Corydoras point (point catfish) are covered with two rows of bony plates one after the other (hence the name callichthyidae). This is a very good protection from predators, but makes it a bit unwieldy. It happens that swim in the narrow gap catfish can not swim out of it and dies, and this must be taken into account when settling tank. Torso Corydoras point tight and short, back arched. Mouth inferior, is well suited for collecting food from the bottom and digging worms. The upper lip two pairs of antennae, allowing navigate the troubled waters. The eyes are large and mobile. The dorsal fin is high. Adipose fin (in front of) a thorn. Two-piece swim bladder. The body is painted in gray-olive color with lots of dark spots. Abdomen with pink and golden shimmer. On each side of the pass band of dense transverse risks. Sexual differences: Males are smaller, thinner and paler females have fewer spots on the body, a high dorsal fin, sharp triangular shape; females are much more (because of the big and bloated belly from eggs resemble a blimp), the point on the body of a rich and dense, the dorsal fin is short and rounded. The length of the male Corydoras point can reach 4-6 cm, the female grows up to 7 cm. Life expectancy in captivity of 8-10 years. Corydoras mottled or speckled catfish - a peace-loving and gregarious fish. The activity begins to show at dusk. Spotted Corydoras coexists with various kinds of fish, even the smallest. Keep a pack desirable, at least 6 fish. They live in the lower layers of water. Keep Corydoras point is not difficult. This requires a tank volume of 10 liters (per individual) with thickets of live floating or deciduous plants (seated along the side and rear walls) and various shelters (natural driftwood, caves of stones, etc.). He prefers soft lighting and a thick layer of soil of pebbles or coarse sand. In it, he willingly digs in search of food. Parameters water content Corydoras point: the rigidity of up to 20 °, pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 20 - 25 ° C speckled catfish easily tolerates lowering the temperature to 15 to 18 ° C, survives at 3 ° C, and does not die even vmerznuvshy ice. Necessary filtering, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 30% of water. spotted Corydoras food uses dry, lively (tubifex, bloodworm, koretra) and plant food. Acts as a cleaner, picking up the remains nezidenogo feed. The food collected from the bottom, but can rise to the surface of the water with a loud champing swallow. For spawning Corydoras point needs an aquarium with soft lighting and a volume of 30 to 50 liters. The ground is optional in spawning to plant (eg, Anubias) and pressed his stones. Water parameters: the stiffness to 15 °, to a pH of 6.0 - 7.0, temperature 18 - 22 ° C Reinforced aeration. The impetus for spawning is to reduce the temperature at 2-3 °, the addition of fresh water (50% of water), and the first rays of the sun (the aquarium should be placed near a window). Fish are placed in spawning the evening (one female and 2-3 males). Manufacturers often need to feed live food hearty. Spawning lasts several hours. First, while the males actively chase the female, then she gathers in the mouth of one of the male sperm and by well-lit place on the glass or on plants, lubricates it with milk and eggs glues. Then the process is repeated. This method ensures a high percentage of fertilized eggs. After 7-10 days spawning repeated. Total spawning female can lay up to 250 eggs white-transparent 3 mm in diameter. After spawn producers is deposited. Incubation period at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C for 5-6 days, at a temperature of 27-28 ° C day -3 (that eggs do not need to use covered fungus antifungal drugs). Once the temperature will fry in the aquarium is reduced to 20-24 ° C. Starter feed: live dust, small zooplankton, rotifers, copepods nauplii, then chopped tubifex pills soms. With good nutrition and weekly water changes the fry grow quickly: the age of 1 month, their length can be up to 1 cm or more. Puberty spotted Corydoras reaches the age of 8 months.

Pterygoplichthys Panda, panda catfish               (Corydoras panda)

Family callichthyidae (Callichthyidae).

Corydoras panda lives in the Ucayali River in Peru. Through interesting color it is very popular among aquarists. In addition to gill respiration Panda has also intestinal, so access to the surface for them to be always open.

The Corydoras panda thick and laterally compressed body with high back. It has good protection from predators, sides covered with horny scales. The eyes are large. Roth bottom with four pairs of antennae arranged two top and bottom. There adipose fin. The main body color is orange-brick with transverse black stripe through the eye, and a black spot on the basis of the caudal fin. The dorsal fin is black with a transparent border. All other white-yellow. Sex differences: The female has a body, a rounded dorsal fin; male - smaller than female, dorsal fin sharp. The length of growing up to 5.5 cm. Life expectancy up to 15 years. Corydoras panda peace-loving and gregarious fish. Day lies quietly on the rocks, or hiding in shelters, activity is beginning to show just after dusk. He loves to swim and flock to dig in the ground. For Corydoras pandas do not need a large aquarium, it is enough volume of 10 liters (2-4 fish). The soil is desirable soft and dark. Require different shelter (driftwood, crockery, etc.) and the plants are densely seated along the back and side walls. Lighting is not bright. Water parameters for the right content Corydoras panda: stiffness of 4-15 °, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 22 - 26 ° C are necessary filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 30% of water. Corydoras panda eats live food (worms, frozen Cyclops) and substitutes. The food is collected not only from the bottom, can rise to the surface and swallow it with a great champ. Corydoras panda Do not pick up the remains of food, so it should be fed properly and individually. Corydoras panda spawning aquarium needs a volume of 30 liters with a soft, bright lighting. Brightly illuminated the place where the female will spawn paste, it can be a side window or specifically attach the glass on the inside of the aquarium, or plants. The parameters of water for spawning Corydoras panda: stiffness 4-15 °, pH 6.0-7.2, temperature 20 - 26 ° C the necessary filtering, aeration and daily (for several days) the substitution of water (20-50%). Lowering the temperature at 1-3 ° C and water changes stimulate spawning. When pressurized air spawning occurs. The aquarium plant 1 female and male 3-5. The female prepares a place where glue eggs, carefully scraping it. Spawning takes place the next morning. Males chase the female around the tank. Then one of the males take the female with his body (so that the urogenital opening appeared at the mouth of the female), it scores jelly in his mouth, smearing of the substrate sticks eggs. This method makes it possible to fertilize all the eggs. The female lays up to 70 eggs. After spawning, the manufacturer is deposited. Incubation period at 26 ° C is 144-240 hours. Fry begin to swim and eat the next day. Starter feed: small zooplankton, mikrokorm. Puberty Corydoras panda reaches the age of 8-10 months.

Sparrow catfish, dwarf catfish (Corydoras hastatus)

Family callichthyidae (Callichthyidae).

Catfish Sparrow lives in South America: in the tributaries of the Amazon River (p. Guapore on the border of Brazil and Bolivia) and Paraguay. It is the smallest member of the family Corydoras and very popular among aquarists. In Russia this fish was introduced for the first time in 1961

The sparrow translucent catfish, a stocky, slightly elongate body with a high front part. Parties fish flattened and covered with two rows of bony plates that protect it from predators. The line of the abdomen line. Mouth inferior. In the jaws, top and bottom, are a pair of antennae. The caudal fin is a twin. There adipose fin. Breast (with barbed beam) and abdominal well developed. The body color ranges from sparrow catfish olive to golden-yellow color. From the gill covers to the end of the caudal peduncle goes dark horizontal band that ends diamond spot and is bounded from above and below, yellowish border. The upper edge of the adipose fin is black. The rest of the fins gray. Sexual differences: Females are slightly larger than the male, in the ready-to-spawn females belly curved profile, rounded dorsal fin; the male - at the end of the dorsal fin pointed. The length of the catfish sparrow reaches up to 3 cm. Catfish sparrow peaceful and schooling fish. Must keep in a group of 10 fish (at least and preferably with a predominance of males). In a flock of these fish it is very interesting to observe: they constantly "flit" from one plant to another and spend very little time on the bottom. Plants with large stones and driftwood is their favorite holiday destination. Hold catfish in the middle layers of water. Hold can with small peaceful fish as in the general aquarium, and in species. To keep aquarium catfish sparrow needs a minimum length of 40 cm, with a different shelter (driftwood, rocks). Overgrown plants are seated at the side walls of the tank. They create not only shady place, but enough space for swimming. Soil - run-of river sand and rounded stones. Fish have extra intestinal breath, therefore it is necessary to provide access to the surface for capturing air. Parameters water content catfish sparrow: rigidity of 5-15 °, pH 6.5-7.2, temperature 21-25 ° C. They love clean water, so you need filtering, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 20% of water. Catfish sparrow uses: lively and vegetable food substitutes. Spawning catfish sparrow can pass as a general and in a separate tank volume of 40 liters. The parameters of water for breeding: stiffness 5-10 °, pH 6.5-7.2, temperature 24-26 ° C is required aeration. Spawning challenging part of the addition of fresh water. To take a group of fish breeding at the age of 1.5 years (4-6 males 2-3 females and 2-3 males 1 female), who had previously held a week apart and firmly fed live food. Spawning lasts several hours. First, males actively chase the female, then it scores in the mouth of one of the male sperm and by well-lit place on the glass or on plants, lubricates it with milk and eggs glue. Then the process is repeated. The female lays up to 80 eggs. After the end of the spawning manufacturers remove or substrate is transferred to an incubator eggs (if eggs postponed on the glass of the aquarium, its carefully remove the blade). The incubation period is between 4 and 8 days, the fry start to swim and eat in 1-3 days. Starter feed: live dust. Puberty catfish sparrow reaches the age of 7-10 months.

Catfish goal (Corydoras metae)

Family callichthyidae (Callichthyidae).

Homeland catfish goal is the river basin The goal in Colombia.

Catfish goal should be stocky, slightly elongate body with a high front part. The parties to the fish flattened and covered with two rows of bony plates, which are well protected from predators. The line of the abdomen line. Mouth inferior. In the jaws, top and bottom, are a pair of antennae. The caudal fin is a twin. There adipose fin. The main color of the body - a warm yellowish-brown color. The abdomen is slightly lighter. The front rays of the dorsal fin base and painted black, with a bluish tint stripe running along the back and goes down, wrapping her tail fin. The second strip extends vertically through the eyes. All fins except spinal translucent yellowish-brown color. Sex differences: the male dorsal fin pointed; the female dorsal fin rounded, strips painted in dark brown color during spawning form of abdomen becomes curved. The length of the catfish goal reaches up to 5.5 cm. Life expectancy in the aquarium up to 5 years. Catfish goal is evening and nocturnal. It is agile and peaceful fish. The aquarium is better to keep the flock with a predominant number of males. Hold them in the lower layers of water, occasionally rising to the surface from the air. The catfish purpose except gill respiration also developed intestinal (and therefore access to surface water must always be open). The neighbors picked up non-aggressive fish. Keep the goal catfish in the aquarium can be a volume of 60 liters. The soil - pebbles or sand. For decorating the aquarium with these fish need different shelter (driftwood, caves, etc.), large flat stones on which catfish like to relax and overgrown plants. Characteristics of water for optimal reading: stiffness 5-15 °, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 24 - 27 ° C. The continuous filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 20% of water. To feed catfish goal unpretentious. They feed on live and dry food, and special pills soms. They love to dig in the ground constantly, picking up uneaten food. For the purpose of breeding catfish need a tank volume of no less than 30 liters (1 female to male and 2-3), with the water level 20 cv. It placed snags, flat stones and broadleaf plants (the substrate can be any lighted object). If the spawning takes place in the general aquarium is best to use a piece of glass, leaning against the inner wall and the brightly lit (after spawning glass with caviar is transferred to the incubator). Before landing on spawning manufacturers (ages 1-1.5 years) kept separately for 1 week and abundantly fed live food. By placing them in a separate tank (put them in the evening), it is necessary to replace 25% of the fresh water on, and reduce the temperature of 1-2 ° C - it serves as a stimulus for spawning. It begins the next morning. The male pursues the female throughout the aquarium and what caught covers her head with her body so that the urogenital opening appeared at the mouth of the female and produces milk. She dials it in his mouth, lubricates them and substrate sticks eggs. Thanks to this method in catfish goal almost never unfertilized eggs. Then the process is repeated. If spawning lasts more than a day, you need to feed the fish, otherwise they can eat eggs. The female lays up to 100 eggs transparent. After the end of the spawning producers is deposited. The incubation period lasts from 2 to 7 days, and after 2-3 days the fry catfish goal start to swim and eat. Starter feed: live dust. When the fry grow up a little bit, they are fed chopped Tubifex. Grow quickly. Puberty catfish reach the goal of 8-10 months.