Family Anabas (Anabantidae).

Anabas or fish-slider (Anabas testudineus)

Семья Anabas (Anabantidae).

Anabas живет в озерах, прудах грязных, канавы, рисовых полей, а также в солоноватых водах Юго-Восточной Азии: Индии, Малайзии, Индонезии, на Филиппинах и на о. Шри-Ланка. Рыба слайдер подлежит местного рыболовства и разведения. В нашей стране, впервые был введен в 1960 году.

По структуре напоминает тело Anabas цихлид. Он удлиненные тела, спины и живота профиль почти прямой, голова и конечности большой рот. На краю жаберной крышки многочисленные разбросанные шипы. Декабрь и анальный плавники сильно и хорошо развита. С их помощью рыбы можно переместить на земле (отсюда и название рыбы слайд). Основной цвет ствола серо-коричневого до серо-зеленый, и есть случаи, апельсина. По бокам расположены 8-10 поперечных полос, наиболее ярко окрашенных во время нереста. Спина темнее, желтоватые живота. Плавники оранжевые или красные. Половые различия: самец окрашен ярче, самка живот полностью. В природе Anabas достигает в длину 25 см, в аквариуме вырастает до 16 см. Главной особенностью рыбы слайд, который в поисках пищи или новых водоемов, рыба может ползать по земле, подняться по скалам и другие препятствия, и подняться на дереве. Через лабиринт (дышит окружающего воздуха) может до 8:00 остаются без воды. Anabas движется не только с помощью плавников, но и через жаберные крышки (острые края надежно цепляться за землю), в то время как толкая себя сильные толчки хвостом. Они путешествуют по ночам. Anabas с длиной тела от 10 до 25 см в 1:00 может ползти вверх до 100 м, а быть из воды (при условии, высокой влажности) может несколько дней. Когда пруд высыхает и найти другую не удается, рыбы слайд, покачиваясь, зарывается в грязь и влажный в течение некоторого времени (до 48 часов), он сохраняет ее от высыхания и смерть. И проводить массовые переселения Anabas с сушкой прудов в новых. Anabas хищных, драчливы и застенчивый рыбы. Активность показывает в вечернее и ночное время. Рыба ползунок должен быть в аквариуме видов из 100 литров с верхней крышкой хорошо прикреплен, которые должны быть на расстоянии не менее 10 см над водой (в противном случае рыба прыгает в воздухе, может попасть ему). Аквариум находится заросли растений, различные укрытия (камни, коряг) и сохранить пространство для плавания (для нереста). Освещение разбросаны. Начните с группой молодых рыб, трудно ладить, как взрослые. С их ловить должны использовать стеклянные или пластиковые приборы, а для чистой рыбы могут быть подключены колючки. Параметры воды для правильного содержания Anabas: жесткость до 20 °, рН 6,8-8,0, температура 20 - 30 ° С необходимая фильтрация и еженедельная подмена до 20% воды. Anabas потребляет на жизнь (например, мелкая рыба, кусочки сырой говядины) и растительную пищу, а также заменители. Это очень прожорливы. В диком корма на небольших рыб, дождевых червей и других беспозвоночных. Нерест Anabas может иметь место не только в видовом аквариуме, но отдельный нерестовый от 200 литров с уровнем воды 30 см. Параметры воды для разведения Anabas: жесткость до 10 °, рН 6.5 -7.5, температура 26 - 30 ° C, часто меняя воду. Нерест происходит в почве или в средних слоях воды. Самка откладывает до 5000 яиц прозрачных, которые поднимаются на поверхность и плавают там. Производители яиц и молоди не трогать, но лучше, чтобы переместить его после нереста в воспитании танк. Инкубационный период при 24 ° С длится около суток. Через 2 дня мальки начинают плавать и питаться. Стартовый корм: живая пыль, в основном коловраток. Anabas достигает половой зрелости в возрасте 1,5 лет.

Ktenopoma chocolate (Ctenopoma oxyrhynchum)

Family: Anabas (Anabantidae).

Ktenopoma chocolate lives in slow-flowing, clear water in the basin of the Ubangi (Zaire).

In ktenopomy chocolate is high, and an elongated flattened body sides. On the head are enormous eyes. Mouth stretched. On the rear edge of the gill cover there teeth. The caudal fin is fan-shaped. Painted ktenopoma chocolate in a reddish-brown color, with a dark patterned marble, which is clearly evident in young fish. On the side of a large black spot, which disappears before spawning. The fins are brown with black edges. Sex differences: the male anal and dorsal fins are elongated and pointed; the female is lighter colored, it fuller abdomen. The length ktenopoma chocolate reaches 10 cm. Ktenopoma Chocolate peaceful fish. Keep it preferably with a similar size and temperament of its neighbors. Breathe atmospheric air via the gill of the maze, so the aquarium must be covered from top to above the surface of the water was warm air, and the fish are not caught cold. Keeps ktenopoma chocolate in the middle layer of water. When you catch it with a net must be careful because the fish can cling to teeth it gill cover. In this case, the net must be immersed in water to ktenopoma behind. Keep ktenopomu chocolate can be in the species or community tank length of 80 cm with thickets of plants (including floating plants with roots hanging down) and various shelters (caves with stones, driftwood, clay pots). Lighting scattered. The parameters for optimum water content: stiffness 4 -20 °, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 22-25 ° C is required filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 30% of water. Ktenopoma chocolate consume live food substitutes. Spawning in ktenopomy chocolate guy. It may take place in a separate aquarium length of 60 cm with cover, thickets of plants with an elongated stem and float on the surface of plants with large leaves. To stimulate spawning need soft, fresh water, and the temperature rise of 2-3 ° C. It begins usually late in the evening at the soil. Ktenopomy female lays up to 2,000 chocolate eggs. After spawning, the manufacturer is deposited from spawning. The incubation period is about 24 hours, and after 2-3 days the fry start to swim and eat. The young afraid of the light and therefore kept in shelters or under the leaves of plants. Starter feed: rotifers, copepods nauplii. Puberty ktenopoma chocolate reaches the age of 1 year to 1.5 years.

Ktenopoma blue-gray, ktenopoma Kingsleya   (Ctenopoma kingsleyae)

Family: Anabas (Anabantidae).

Ktenopoma sizaya inhabits the waters of West Africa.

In ktenopomy bluish high, elongate and flattened laterally body profiles of the back and belly slightly curved. Eyes large, brown. On the rear edge of the gill cover there teeth. The main body color is beige-green fish with a steel shade. On the caudal peduncle placed a black mark in her youth she had with a light fringe, fringe adult fish occurs only occasionally. Each scale has a dark border and creates the effect of mesh. Sex differences: the male myagkopromenevi part of the anal and dorsal fins with yellowish border, the female fuller and larger than the male. Ktenopoma sizaya naturally growing up to 20 cm in length, in the aquarium less. Life expectancy in captivity is 5-6 years. Ktenopoma sizaya aggressive fish, so it is best to keep it with similar size and temperament of its neighbors. Breathes atmospheric air through gill labyrinth. As a result, the tank should be closed from top to above the water was warm air, or fish, capturing the cold air, can catch a cold. Keeps ktenopoma blue-gray in the middle and lower layers of water. When you catch it with a net to be careful, because the fish can cling to the teeth of a gill cover. In this case, the net must be immersed in water to ktenopoma behind. Ktenopomu sizuyu kept in a closed top tank capacity of 200 liters with thickets of sclerophyllous plants (including floating plants with roots hanging down) and various shelters (caves with stones, driftwood, clay pots). The parameters for optimum water content ktenopomy Kingsleya: stiffness of 4-15 °, pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 23-26 ° C is required filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 30% of water. Ktenopoma sizaya eats alive (including small fish) and an additional vegetable food substitutes. To fish is not recommended eating the plants give them wilted lettuce or spinach (also frozen, shredded lettuce without veins). Ktenopoma sizaya prone to obesity. For breeding ktenopomy sizo suitable spawning a length of 80 cm, with shelters for female and floating plants. Water parameters are optimal for breeding: stiffness of about 3 °, pH 6.0, temperature 25-29 ° C. During spawning, the male becomes aggressive and can damage the fins of the males. Spawning occurs under the free portion of the surface of the plant. The female lays a single spawning up to 1000 transparent eggs that rise to the surface (up to 20000). Fish do not care for the eggs and even eat it. Caviar is transferred to an incubator with a small layer of water and aeration. The incubation period is 1-2 days, and after 2-4 days the fry start to swim and eat. Starter feed: Artemia nauplii. Juveniles painted in gray-yellow color with black spots on the tail. The aquarium is desirable to fry 1 once a week to carry out the substitution of 2/3-part water. Puberty ktenopoma sizaya reaches the age of 1.5-2 years.

Leopard bush fish (Ctenopoma acutirostre)

Family Anabas (Anabantidae).

Homeland leopard bush fish Central and West Africa. They live in the Congo Basin, in areas overgrown with grass. In Europe, the first time this fish was introduced in 1955.

The leopard bush fish is high, laterally flattened body. Mouth stretched. On the head are enormous eyes. It has cryptic coloring: yellow to brown background of the entire body and fins dark spots scattered, hiding the contours of the fish. According to the caudal peduncle is a vertical bright line and the dark tail conceals its true size. At the base of the caudal fin posted a spectacle spot. There are individuals who have such a dark color that stains become invisible against this background. In adult males - some flakes have a notch at the edges. Odd fins - dark-rimmed. In females fins with numerous small spots. The length leopard bush fish can reach 15-20 cm. Life expectancy up to 6 years. Leopard bush fish night and a little shy fish. Character calm, measured loves to swim in the bush near the plants and driftwood. Due to its shape and color of the body it is well disguised under different water bodies and becomes invisible to potential prey. Any small fish is pursued until until it is in its mouth. To share the contents of large fish are recommended. Leopard bush fish territorial fish, 100 liters tank barely get on 2-3 individuals. If, however, you decide to have a group of fish, it is advisable to settle the aquarium all at once. Otherwise, when you add new fish in the aquarium will start a war of extermination and newcomers are likely to die young fish. Keeps leopard bush fish in the lower and middle layers of the water. To keep the leopard bush fish need a spacious aquarium (about 100 cm) is closed (between the lid and the surface of the water to leave at least 2.5 cm). Lighting - muted. Grunt - pebble. The aquarium should be a lot of different shelters (caves with stones, driftwood, ceramic pots, etc.), thickets of plants (including swimming), and free space for swimming. Water parameters for the right content leopard bush fish: the rigidity of 4-10 °, pH 6.0-7.2, temperature 23 - 28 ° C are necessary filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 20% of water. Some individuals are sensitive to common diseases, so to strengthen the immunity in water is added peat extract. Leopard bush fish omnivorous, but prefers living (frozen) food: small fish, worms, larvae. About breeding leopard bush fish very little is known, only that they do not protect the offspring and eggs are scattered throughout the tank.

Ktenopoma dwarf, false                                      (Ctenopoma nanum, Microctenopoma nanum)

Family: Anabas (Anabantidae).

Homeland ktenopomy dwarf - Africa (Zaire and Cameroon). Lives fish in forest streams with fast flowing under driftwood and coastal vegetation, hanging over the water.

In ktenopomy dwarf is high, elongated and flattened laterally body profiles back and belly are almost straight. Mouth stretched. On the head are enormous eyes. The caudal fin is fan-shaped. Ktenopoma dwarf painted in pale brown with dark transverse stripes, moving to the odd fins. Sex differences: the male ends of the dorsal and anal fins are elongated and pointed, in the excited state and spawning it becomes almost black; the female before spawning occurs longitudinal light bar running from the gill cover and to the base of the caudal fin. The length of the male ktenopomy dwarf grows to 7.5 cm, and 6.5 cm female. Ktenopomy dwarf characteristic of intraspecific aggression. Keep it better with the same size and peaceful neighbors. Breathes atmospheric air through gill labyrinth, so the tank should be closed at the top, so that the water surface was hot air, and it is not cold. Keeps ktenopoma dwarf in the middle layer of water. Keep ktenopomu dwarf species can be in the general aquarium, or a length of 60 cm with thickets of plants (including floating plants with roots hanging down) and various shelters (caves with stones, driftwood, clay pots). The parameters for optimum water content: stiffness 4 -20 °, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 22-25 ° C is required filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 30% of water. Ktenopoma dwarf consumes a live feed and substitutes. For breeding ktenopomy dwarf need spawning a length of 50 cm with cover and float on the surface of plants with large leaves. Water parameters are optimal for breeding: stiffness of 2-4 °, pH 6.5-6.8, temperature 25-28 ° C. The desired filtering (better suited peat filter). The male builds a nest of foam on the letter floating plants. Ktenopomy female dwarf throws to 1000 eggs. After spawning, the female is deposited from spawning, and the male remains to take care of caviar. The incubation period lasts about a day, and after 3 days the fry start to swim and eat. At this point, the male also is deposited. Starter feed: rotifers, copepods nauplii. Puberty ktenopoma dwarf reaches the age of 1.5-2 years.

Eight-Ktenopoma                                                            (Ctenopoma fasciolatum, Microctenopoma fasciolatum)

Family: Anabas (Anabantidae).

Homeland ktenopomy eight-Central and West Africa. Keeps fish in shallow, overgrown plants places, preferring reservoirs with clear and clean water.

In ktenopomy eight-high, elongated and slightly laterally compressed body. The head is large with a sharp snout. The dorsal and anal fins are long. Painting of fish depends on its origin and can be blue or brown with dark transverse stripes 8-12 on the sides. The male dorsal and anal fins at the end of the filamentous extended. Odd fins have numerous blue-brown spots. The female is paler colored male. During spawning becomes brown with a white stripe running from the gill cover to the base and the caudal fin. The length of the male eight-ktenopomy reaches 8.5 cm to 7 cm female. Ktenopoma eight-unpretentious and peaceful fish. It forms a patriarchal family. Keep it better with the same with her size and temperament of its neighbors. Breathe atmospheric air via the gill of the maze, so the tank should be kept tightly closed at the top to above the water was always warm air, and it is not cold. Keeps in the middle and lower layers of water. Keep ktenopomu eight-species may be in the general aquarium or a length of 60 cm with thickets of sclerophyllous plants (including floating plants with roots hanging down) and various shelters (caves with stones, driftwood, clay pots). The parameters for optimum water content: stiffness 3-10 °, pH 6.0-7.0, temperature 24-28 ° C is required filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of up to 30% of water. Ktenopoma eight-consume live food substitutes. For breeding ktenopomy eight-spawning required length of 50 cm. In the aquarium should be covered, overgrown plants with an elongated stem and floating on the surface of plants with large leaves. Water parameters are optimal for breeding: stiffness of 2-4 °, pH 6.5-6.8, temperature 25-28 ° C. The desired filtering (best peat filter). The male builds a nest of foam under the floating leaf plants. The female lays eight-ktenopomy to 1000 eggs. After spawning, the female is deposited from spawning, and the male remains to take care of caviar. The incubation period lasts for about 24-36 hours, and after 4-5 days the fry start to swim and eat. At this point, the male also is deposited. Starter feed: rotifers. Sexual maturity is reached ktenopoma eight-aged 1.5-2 years.