Care aquarium by using auxiliary inventory, which includes nets of various shapes and sizes, racks, clips, suction cups, tweezers and more. They must be made of neutral materials that do not emit toxic substances into the water.
If you use inventory in various aquariums, it must be sanitized. But it is better for each aquarium have your inventory.
So, what is the required equipment hobbyist first.
Set nets of various sizes. They handle must be such that you can get anywhere in the aquarium. To catch fish two nets need to be able to use the method of "double circumference". Harassment one fish net can cause it stress. Very small nets useless - even for catching small fish. The minimum reasonable size nets - 10h15sm. Obviously, larger fish need more nets. In most cases, nets made of nylon mesh. For fish nastovburchuyut pins in an emergency (such as catfish), requires special nets made of thick fabric, as in conventional nets they can get confused.
Windshield wipers (magnetic and conventional scrapers) - used for cleaning the observation glass from algae. Scrapers with metal blade can scratch the acrylic cut silicone sealant that fastened between a wall aquariums made of silica glass. So they better or not to use, or use with caution.
Buckets - needed for different purposes. Standard plastic buckets are made not of plastic food, but they can be used for draining dirty water. For water poured into the aquarium, better use enameled buckets, containers for food storage.
Siphon tube with clean gravel. Used as a "vacuum cleaner" for the soil. Well removes detritus. Useful also for drainage excessively muddy soil. However, it should not be used for this purpose during the regular weekly maintenance procedures for the aquarium, as this will cause a severe blow to the population of beneficial microorganisms that live in soil and biofilters.
Additional small glass tank volume 5.10 liters. It is used for jigging fish, sick and just bought fish in quarantine and plants that are still very small and may be affected by fish. If necessary, you can install it on any flat surface that can withstand its weight. For it does not require special stand. However, it must have the lid or cover glass, and its own system of heating and aeration of water. It may also be needed and filter - it depends on the circumstances at the time. Commonly used simple sponge filter.
Feeders for live and dry food. Prevent the spread of uneaten feed throughout the aquarium.
Long tweezers - for easy lifting various items from the bottom. Scissors, scalpel, razor.
Set different chucks and clamps - for fixing and other purposes.
The capacity of the divisions - Action for measuring liquids.
Substitute inexpensive compressor - in case the primary fails.
Substitute heater - in case of failure of the primary.
Substitute thermometer - in case the main break.
This is an illustrative list of equipment needed to care for an aquarium for the first time.
To keep the fish and plants in the aquarium is also important to maintain a certain temperature at which they live and breed well. Change of temperature affect body temperature of fish and plants and leads to changes in the exchange rate of biochemical processes in the body that largely affects their health and condition.
Fish that live in temperate zones, can exist in a wide temperature range. In some cases, they are immersed in a winter or summer hibernation, stop eating, become motionless, buried in the mud. In other cases, they try to escape from unfavorable conditions for them and carry out seasonal migration. Cutting and severe change in temperature causes a state of shock, in which the fish lose their ability independently to leave the danger zone, and, if conditions do not change, die.
The amplitude of seasonal and daily fluctuations in the water temperature of the tropical belt is small. In this regard, the fish that live in them, require constant support in an aquarium, a relatively high temperature. Normal for premises temperature of about 18-22 ° C for many species of exotic insufficient. Many fans kept aquarium fish at room temperature, oblivious to the fact that, if the room is on the thermometer will be 22 ° C, the aquarium water is always 2 ° C lower.
The temperature difference can affect the condition of thermophilic fish, most of which can not withstand temperatures below 18-20 ° C, and fry. In this regard, the fluctuation of temperature required artificial heating water. For this purpose, use obihrivayuchi electrical appliances.
For hot water you need: the heater and controller. Some devices combine these functions, and then they called the thermostat. It is equally important that the heat is evenly distributed heater given by the aquarium.
For tank volume 100 liters required heater power of 30 W, provided that the room temperature is not below 21 ° C. Excessive heater power lead to the fact that he always be included and vidklyuchatymetsya, which reduces the battery life.
In the aquarium lighting to plants as necessary for normal growth and fish. In captivity, as in nature, it regulates their activity, and the intensity of light can affect their health. Unfortunately, only a few aquarists take it into account.
Provision of adequate light intensity is associated with certain problems. To water the plants feel well enough to need a strong light. At the same time, many fish aquariums with live plants originating in the shaded ponds.
There are a number of possible solutions to this problem.
Keep in aquarium fish that come from small, brightly lit reservoirs, and install a light that plants need.
Grow plants that can live in relatively low light levels required for many fish.
Grow plants with leaves that grows to surface water and creeping on it (including floating plants) - then the fish will swim in the shadow of the leaves. For this first arrange aquarium plants and plant it. Then they need to enable ukorinyatysya grow and to create the necessary shade. This should be done even before the aquarium fish are running. You may have to wait a few months, because at this time the tank still will not waste life fish, you will need to feed the plants.
In some areas of the aquarium plants grow where the leaves are on the water or near it, and in other places leave open spaces for low plants - then the fish will have a choice. In small aquariums is unfeasible, as they shaded and open areas would be very limited.
Illuminate only part of the aquarium or concentrate most bright lighting in certain parts - where most plants. It is also necessary to ensure that fish could choose the most suitable environment for them. This option is feasible only in large aquariums, but it can be very effective, especially if you decorate the aquarium dark areas morenym oak which resembles intertwining roots in darker coastal natural reservoirs.
Lighting the aquarium should include daily for 10-11 hours, thus mimicking natural photoperiod. Not allowed to shorten it to save on electricity - even in aquariums where no plants. Nor should artificial light stretch time trying in this way to speed up plant growth.
The intensity of the lighting should regulate not only depending on the type of plants and fish, but also the depth of the aquarium. Whatever did not seem clean water in an aquarium with water depth of 50 cm to the bottom reaches only 15% of the light emitted by the lamps. If the aquarium has a layer of water more than 50-55 cm, no ordinary aquarium lamps can not do on his day enough light for plant growth.
akvariumaYak lighting Lighting equipment for the aquarium very well established fluorescent lamps (fluorescent lamps). They do not require care and cheap. Being properly installed, they provide intense uniform illumination of the entire surface. Waterproof ceiling with lamps mounted directly on the lid of the aquarium.
It is recommended to install two fluorescent lamps for aquariums up to 40 cm. For every additional 10 cm high should be added one lamp. To the lighting was uniform, the lamp should choose a size that meets optimal length of the aquarium.
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